Saturday, January 17, 2009

Roscoe Riley Rules # 2 Never Swipe a Bully's Bear by Katherine Applegate

Roscoe Riley has done it again. He's back in the time out corner. This time he remembered that you can't glue your friends to chairs, but he conveniently forgot that stealing the classroom bully's bear is a major no-no.

When Roscoe's stuffed friend Hamilton the pig gets "stolen" from his backpack, he is convinced the classroom bully stole it. So when Roscoe realizes that the bully still brings a bear to school, he takes the bear home to get his pig back.

Of course being Roscoe, things get a little out of hand, but everything turns out in the end.

I still love Roscoe Riley! This is a fun, quick read and a very enteratining way to remember some of the rules of life you may not actually be told.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Roscoe Riley Rules #1: Never Glue Your Friends to Chairs by Katherine Applegate

The first book in the Roscoe Riley Doesn't Mean to Break the Rules series. Roscoe Riley has a little problem following all the rules the grown-up in his life give him. Whether it's simple rules like don't touch the don't paint the class hamsters green to don't touch the Super-Mega-Gonzo-Glue, Roscoe can't seem to follow them.

Roscoe knows he's not supposed to touch the Super-Mega-Gonzo Glue, but when he notices the "head-bobbles" not staying and bee drummers who would rather have sword or light saber battles, he can't help but use the "grown-up" glue to help save the day.

I love Roscoe Riley. He reminds me of a couple of my cousins when we were little. Younger, new-to-chapter-book elementary school children will love this story simply because Roscoe is just like them. Also, teachers will get a kick out of the semi-accurate description of 1st graders anticipating an open-house.